I want to say I am sorry that it took so long to get my act together. But I will try to up date my blog since I stoped.
Here are some piece I wrote in 6th grade.
This one is on Greece:
1. The sea trade influenced the growth of civilization in Greece by being able to sail where ever they need to go. Since they did sail all around they could spread information. Also they could talk to more people while trading. People could get more developed to help their people.
2. Democracy developed and worked in Athens because someone got an idea that it wasn’t fair to let specific people make the rules. They way things were ran was by 500 random people vote on something, they would be paid to be on the council. So everyone could afford to leave work and be on the council. Not everyone got to be a citizen like girls and poor people.
3. The cultures of Athens and Sparta were different and the same. They were different because Athenian boys only attended school, boys were better, and Spartan kids attended school, also Spartan men went to war at age 30 and Athenian men went to war at 18. Something that was the same that all men went to war sometime.
4. Greeks finally won the Persian wars by the Athens and Spartan joined to together and kept fighting. When ever they were under a lot of pressure they got away. They also out numbered them. Eventually they won the fight/war.
Here are new interesting words that people use, but might not know what they mean:
Mal- bad
Malevolent- Wishing for evil adjective
Malcontent- Not satisfied adjective
Mis- bad
Misfit- fit in badly verb
Mistake- an error noun
Non- not
Nonstop- Without a singer stop adjective
None- No one pronoun
Post- after
Posterior- Coming after adjective
Postscript- Additions as someone is writing noun
Pre- before
Predict- to foresee verb
Prelude- any action noun
Semi- half
Semitone- half tone noun
Semicircle- an ark noun
Subtract- to withdraw verb
Submarine- a vessel that can go under water noun
Super- over
Superb- excellent adjective
Superior- higher rank adjective
Syn- together
Synthetic- Proceed by adjective
Synonym- a word that has the same meaning as the other noun
Sym- together
Symbol- a figure noun
Sympathy- a harmony noun
Tri- three
Triangle- a shape with three sides’ noun
Triad- a group of three
Un- not
Unfit- bad in shape adjective
Undone- brought to ruin verb
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
He's Back
Okay first of all I would like to say I am sorry for being careless about my blog. I am going to start up dating my blog every Wednesday and if you think you should leave a comment telling me how I can make it more interesting, go ahead.
In the last couple of months I have done somethings I would like to tell you about. Well I tried out for the soccer first they called me saying I was on the B team and I was cool with that. A couple days later I found out I was on the A team, so that was cool.
A couple weeks later I went to see "Get Smart" with my buddie Griff the movie was staring Steve Corle ( I think that is how its spelled) and The Rock. On a scale on one to ten I give it a seven. It was a comedy/action movie.
The pool is open and try to get in it everyday, but Ethan thinks he should be play Wii everyday. Ethan is like in love the Wii he plays it so much. The game he plays the most is Crash of the Tiants, he is even playing it at this minute. In other words Ethan plays Wii every chances he gets.

The one on your left is Ethan Wii person playing baseball, he likes the Black and I think it looks wrong.
The Fourth of July was ansome we got to swim on the lake there was a DJ playing music , I asked the DJ's if they could play afternoon delight and Justin took us to Rope Island and it was GREAT!
In the last couple of months I have done somethings I would like to tell you about. Well I tried out for the soccer first they called me saying I was on the B team and I was cool with that. A couple days later I found out I was on the A team, so that was cool.
A couple weeks later I went to see "Get Smart" with my buddie Griff the movie was staring Steve Corle ( I think that is how its spelled) and The Rock. On a scale on one to ten I give it a seven. It was a comedy/action movie.
The pool is open and try to get in it everyday, but Ethan thinks he should be play Wii everyday. Ethan is like in love the Wii he plays it so much. The game he plays the most is Crash of the Tiants, he is even playing it at this minute. In other words Ethan plays Wii every chances he gets.
The one on your left is Ethan Wii person playing baseball, he likes the Black and I think it looks wrong.
The Fourth of July was ansome we got to swim on the lake there was a DJ playing music , I asked the DJ's if they could play afternoon delight and Justin took us to Rope Island and it was GREAT!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
More Pool Pictures
I know these pictures are a little old but I still want to show you how cool I am in the pool!
That is me taking a high jump over the noodles.
Rick how it done.

I'm diving in to the pool and going to swim to the other side.
Know Ethan wanted to show me how it was done.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008
American Idol
Who do you think is going to get voted off on American Idol?

Tomorrow make the comments.

Tomorrow make the comments.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Rick's Party
Uncle Rick’s birthday is in June. There is something strange about my Uncle Rick’s parties. Something bad happens always to me! Number one: every year he invites some of his friends who smoke. Number two: last year I locked the keys in the car! Number three: the year before that I drank a soda that had a cigarette in it!! I thought I was going to throw up! You got to it admit that happen if to you, you’d get nervous in June! Those are the bad things to me in the past and I do not want it to happen again.
Every year that I’ve been to my Uncle Rick does games for the kids and the adults that he refs (he always picks on me). Some of the games are noodle races, cups with holes race and the water balloon toss. I will tell you how the cups with hole race game works: there is two lines of people each team has a pail with water in it, a cup with holes, two trays with one galloon on top of each, your team has two fill up the cup with water and fill up the galloon.
When its dark out and everybody is cold, I help my Uncle Rick’s friend make a fire while the rest of the kids are in the house playing Play Station 2. Then it is time to go home and go to bed.
Every year that I’ve been to my Uncle Rick does games for the kids and the adults that he refs (he always picks on me). Some of the games are noodle races, cups with holes race and the water balloon toss. I will tell you how the cups with hole race game works: there is two lines of people each team has a pail with water in it, a cup with holes, two trays with one galloon on top of each, your team has two fill up the cup with water and fill up the galloon.
When its dark out and everybody is cold, I help my Uncle Rick’s friend make a fire while the rest of the kids are in the house playing Play Station 2. Then it is time to go home and go to bed.
This is one of the piece I wrote at school.
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