First I would like to apologize to my loyal readers I have not updated this site for a while. Yes Uncle Rick I know I have been slacking, but hey I am just a kid!
With that said, I had my first skiing outing on the 21st. I only feel once, Ethan feel a lot and my uncle Rick fell three times. Which is really surprising since he goes to Colorado all the time to ski. My dad did not fall at all. It was really foggy that night so I did not take any pictures. We have our next outing on the 6th so hopefully I will have some pictures from then.
Christmas- what can I say? Christmas eve my mom's side of the family came over to my house to have dinner and open presents. I got a volleyball and knee pads which I can't wait to use when volleyball starts. We went to church at 10:00 but because the the choir sang for 40 minutes before it stated we did not get home until 11:50.
Christmas morning I made my little brother go and wake up my parents really early. We just wanted to open the presents! I got more cool gifts. After breakfast we went to my grandma and grandpa's house for Christmas with my dad's side of the family. With all my cousins it can get really wild.
Over all it was a good Christmas. Here are some of the pictures I have.
I think Uncle Rick thinks he's a present? Jake, Ethan and Mom also in picture.
Lindsey and Jared
Nice work and well worth the wait.
Yes it was.
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